The Julia Language Blog

The Julia blog discusses issues of numerical, technical, distributed and parallel computing, as well as programming language design, and how these issues touch upon the design and implementation of the Julia programming language. Also see the JuliaHub company blog for another source of information regarding ongoing Julia development.

Blogs from the broader Julia community can be found on and Julia Bloggers.

JuliaCon Global 2025 and JuliaCon 2024 Wrap-Up 2024-09-18

2024 GSoC and JSoC Fellows Announced 2024-05-03


Julia 1.10 Highlights 2023-12-27

PSA: Thread-local state is no longer recommended 2023-07-06

Julia 1.9 Highlights 2023-05-09


Julia 1.8 Highlights 2022-08-18

JuliaCon 2022 Highlights 2022-08-10

Doing small network scientific machine learning in Julia 5x faster than PyTorch 2022-04-14

Why We Use Julia, 10 Years Later 2022-02-14


DTable – an early performance assessment of a new distributed table implementation 2021-12-08

Julia 1.7 Highlights 2021-11-30

Composability in Julia: Implementing Deep Equilibrium Models via Neural ODEs 2021-10-21

Julia User & Developer Survey 2021 2021-08-24

JuliaCon 2021 Highlights 2021-08-20

Simulation of a swimming dogfish shark 2021-08-12

Code, docs, and tests: what's in the General registry? 2021-08-02

JuliaCon 2021, the largest Julia Programming event in history 2021-07-26

Google Season of Docs 2020-2021 Wrap-Up 2021-04-04

Julia 1.6 Highlights 2021-03-24

Apache Arrow Support in Julia 2021-01-28

Profiling type-inference 2021-01-28

The 2020 Industry Julia Users Contributhon 2021-01-20

Tutorial on precompilation 2021-01-05


Using time travel to remotely debug faulty DRAM 2020-09-24

Transitioning Code From Closed To Open: A JuliaCon 2020 Discussion Between Julia Users In Industry 2020-09-16

GSoC 2020 Wrap-Up 2020-09-08

Analyzing sources of compiler latency in Julia: method invalidations 2020-08-26

2020 Julia User and Developer Survey 2020-08-24

JuliaCon 2020 Wrap-up 2020-08-11

Julia 1.5 Highlights 2020-08-03

GSoC and JSoC 2020 Project List 2020-05-05

Julia 1.5 Feature Preview: Time Traveling (Linux) Bug Reporting 2020-05-02

Google's Code-In Contest Wrap up 2020-02-10


Yao.jl - Differentiable Quantum Programming In Julia 2019-12-28

为 Julia 包设计的可靠、可复现的二进制工件系统 2019-12-18

Pkg + BinaryBuilder – The Next Generation 2019-11-19

Profiling tool wins and woes 2019-09-16

Julia夏季会议@Beijing - 本地化奖 2019-09-07

Julia Workshop@Beijing and the Julia Localization Prize 2019-09-07

Julia的版本发布流程 2019-09-07

Julia’s Release Process 2019-08-28

Julia User - Developer Survey 2019 2019-08-06

Julia将支持可组合的多线程并行机制 2019-07-30

Announcing composable multi-threaded parallelism in Julia 2019-07-23

Hello @DiffEqBot 2019-06-18

A Summer of Julia 2019 2019-05-31

Beyond machine learning pipelines with MLJ 2019-05-02

DiffEqFlux.jl – Julia 的神經微分方程套件 2019-04-04

A Julia interpreter and debugger 2019-03-19

The Julia Project and Its Entities 2019-02-12

GSoC 2018 - Parallel Implementations of Graph Analysis Algorithms 2019-02-03

DiffEqFlux.jl – A Julia Library for Neural Differential Equations 2019-01-18


Building a Language and Compiler for Machine Learning 2018-12-03

How to get started with Julia 1.0's package manager 2018-09-12

A portrait of JuliaCon 2018 2018-09-11

The Julia Community Prizes, 2018 2018-09-04

GSoC 2018 and Speech Recognition for the Flux Model Zoo: The Conclusion 2018-08-14

GSoC 2018: Adding Newer Features and Speeding up Convolutions in Flux 2018-08-13

Union-splitting: what it is, and why you should care 2018-08-09

Julia 1.0 Anunciando el release de Julia 1.0 (Spanish) 2018-08-08

Julia 1.0 正式发布 (Simplified Chinese) 2018-08-08

Julia 1.0 正式發佈 (Traditional Chinese) 2018-08-08

Announcing the release of Julia 1.0 2018-08-08

GSoC 2018: Reinforcement Learning and Generative models using Flux 2018-08-06

Writing Iterators in Julia 0.7 2018-07-08

First-Class Statistical Missing Values Support in Julia 0.7 2018-06-19

Extensible broadcast fusion 2018-05-11

Tetris coming to Julia language for v1.0 2018-04-01

Some π-ography 2018-03-14

Julia joins NumFOCUS in Google Summer of Code 2018 2018-02-21


機器學習以及程式語言(Traditional Chinese) 2017-12-25

机器学习与编程语言 (Simplified Chinese) 2017-12-20

On Machine Learning and Programming Languages 2017-12-06

GSoC 2017: Native Julia second order ODE and BVP solvers 2017-11-01

NeuralNetDiffEq.jl: A Neural Network solver for ODEs 2017-10-13

Command interpolation for dummies 2017-10-05

GSoC 2017 Project: Hamiltonian Indirect Inference 2017-09-19

GSoC 2017: Parallelism in BioJulia 2017-09-07

GSoC 2017: Efficient Discretizations of PDE Operators 2017-09-06

GSoC 2017 Project: MCMC with flexible numbers of parameters 2017-09-03

GSoC 2017 : A Wrapper for the FEniCS Finite Element Toolbox 2017-09-01

GSoC 2017: Documentation Browser for Juno 2017-08-28

GSoC 2017: Implementing iterative solvers for numerical linear algebra 2017-08-23

JuliaCon 2017 on the West Coast 2017-08-15

Creating domain-specific languages in Julia using macros 2017-08-09

Julia 0.6 Release Announcement 2017-06-27

Julia available in Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi 2017-05-03

Upgrades to the REPL in Julia 0.6 2017-04-25

Knowing where you are: custom array indices in Julia 2017-04-18

Paper in SIAM Review: Julia - A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing 2017-03-18

Technical preview: Native GPU programming with CUDAnative.jl 2017-03-14

Some fun with Π in Julia 2017-03-14

More Dots: Syntactic Loop Fusion in Julia 2017-01-21


Julia 0.5 Highlights 2016-10-11

Julia 0.5 Release Announcement 2016-10-10

StructuredQueries.jl - A generic data manipulation framework 2016-10-03

A Personal Perspective On JuliaCon 2016 2016-09-21

BioJulia 2016 - online sequence search, sequence demultiplexing, new readers and much more! 2016-09-10

Vertex and Edge Metadata 2016-08-22

Announcing support for complex-domain linear programs in Convex.jl 2016-08-17

An invitation to JuliaCon 2016 2016-05-08

BioJulia Project in 2016 2016-04-30

Google Summer of Code 2016 2016-04-14

Generalizing AbstractArrays: opportunities and challenges 2016-03-27

An introduction to ParallelAccelerator.jl 2016-03-01

Multidimensional algorithms and iteration 2016-02-01

Julia IDE work in Atom 2016-01-07


JSoC 2015 project: DataStreams.jl 2015-10-25

JSoC 2015 project: Automatic Differentiation in Julia with ForwardDiff.jl 2015-10-23

JSoC 2015 project: Interactive Visualizations in Julia with GLVisualize.jl 2015-10-22

JSoC 2015 project: Efficient data structures and algorithms for sequence analysis in BioJulia 2015-10-21

JSoC 2015 project: Interactive 3D Graphics in the Browser with Compose3D 2015-10-20

JSoC 2015 project: NullableArrays.jl 2015-10-16

Julia 0.4 Release Announcement 2015-10-09

JuliaCon 2015 Preview - Deep Learning, 3D Printing, Parallel Computing, and so much more 2015-05-30

Julia Summer of Code 2015 2015-05-23


Julia 0.3 Release Announcement 2014-08-20

JuliaCon 2014 Opening Session Presentations 2014-08-09

JuliaCon 2014 Optimization Presentations 2014-08-09


Fast Numeric Computation in Julia 2013-09-04

Building GUIs with Julia, Tk, and Cairo, Part I 2013-05-23

Building GUIs with Julia, Tk, and Cairo, Part II 2013-05-23

Passing Julia Callback Functions to C 2013-05-10

Put This In Your Pipe 2013-04-08

Distributed Numerical Optimization 2013-04-05

Videos from the Julia tutorial at MIT 2013-03-30

Efficient Aggregates in Julia 2013-03-05


Design and implementation of Julia 2012-08-16

New York Open Stats Meetup 2012-04-18

Lang.NEXT Announcement 2012-03-24

Shelling Out Sucks 2012-03-11

Stanford Talk Video 2012-03-01

Stanford Talk Announcement 2012-02-27

为什么我们要创造Julia (Simplified Chinese) 2012-02-14

Why We Created Julia 2012-02-14